

The outcomes article the difference each programme offer for young people in Paragon. The seven outcomes can be achieved in a context of evidenced base practice and keywork sessions. Each outcome has a set of indicators that help young people to understand the difference the work is making and how well they are progressing towards the outcome.

Outcome 1

Young people are confident, resilient and optimistic for the future.

Outcome 2

Young people manage personal, social and formal relationships

Outcome 3

Young people create, describe and apply their learning and skills

Outcome 4

Young people participate safely and effectively in groups and the community.

Outcome 5

Young people consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control

Outcome 6

Young people express their voices and demonstrate social commitment

Outcome 7

Young people broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking
Detailed descriptions of each indicator, including suggestions of how to measure them are available.
We have a holistic approach to working with young people in our care with access to a cognitive behavioural therapist. Including a healthy approach to diet and nutrition. Young people are shown and encouraged to prepare and cook healthy, nutritious meals on a budget.
Our Provision promotes anti-discriminatory practice, challenging discriminatory attitudes and practice. The service is responsive to service users’ needs regardless of religion, age, language, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, disability or lifestyle choice.